Assistant Professor
Egaleo Park Campus, Ag. Spyridonos Street, 12243, Aigaleo, Athens, Greece
Nikolaos Merlemis
Physicist, University of Patras
MSc. (Atomic & Molecular Physics), University of Crete
PhD. (Laser Physics), University of Crete
Teaching in the Postgraduate Program
- Advanced Technologies in Geodesy Surveying – Engineering
Areas of scientific and research activity
– Two-photon Laser Spectroscopy, Laser Spectroscopy & LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence)
– Two-photon excitation of atomic systems, nonlinear optics and generation of radiation with wave-mixing mechanisms
– Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) & Amplification Without Inversion (AWI)
– Development of Extreme UV coherent sources in the VUV and ΕUV spectral regions
– Laser ablation processes
– Educational experiments in Physics and Optics
– Geospatial technologies